2004 - 2005 Season News

Flying high - a chat with Julia Sebestyen

Don't miss Julia sharing her thoughts and unique pictures from her personal
collection. Look here.

Always sticking to their guns

After their sudden rise to fame with their performance at last years Euros, the Kerrs have won audiences over with innovative and spectacular programs. AS reporter Susanne got the chance to talk to them at the recent EC in Torino. Read the result here.

Euros 2005 - Torino Trouble and Tidbits

Part of the AS-Crew went to Italy. Read our teamed report on the organisational mess, arena details, volunteering tidbits, backstage fluff and audience viewings. Go!

Russian Olympic Ice Dance Champions played matchmaker for Delobel & Schoenfelder

After their fabulous third place at the recent European Championships in Torino, Isabel Delobel found some time for a long chat with Susanne Kempf. Read more here.


Indepth with Canadian Meagan Duhamel

Meagan skates singles AND pairs. The new pairs team already hit the world records books their first season. How does that feel? Isn't it hard to train and compete in both disciplines? Meagan answered these and many other questions. Read the result here.

U.S. Nationals
Portland, Oregon January 9-16, 2005

And already the 5th one in our series. Kristina visited the U.S. Nationals and tells us all about it. Read more here.


Skating in Sweden - Up close with Lina Johansson

Lina Johansson, 16, is already making a mark in Swedish figure skating history. Meet her and her coach here


Skating in Mexico: An interview with Adrian Alvarado

Recently there have been some skaters appearing on the international scene from countries that are not known for having figure skaters. Adrian Alvarado is such a skater and although being Mexican he claims he couldn't live without skating, how this came about? Read here.


Variations on a theme of Canadian Nationals

The fourth in our series of nationals, the 2005 Canadian. What's up with the funky title? Megi explains it all in her intro! Read here!


European Championships 2005 Photo Album

To view photos from this event click here.


Skates Contest - The Outcome

Who predicted the outcome well and won the AS-contest? Check here!

2005 Polish Nationals

Absolute Skating gives you the third in our series of national reports. Read Monika's comprehensive description of the Polish Nationals here!

Interview with Albena Denkova and Maxim Staviski

They don't really need to be introduced to skating fans anymore. But did you know that Maxim can actually count to 4? And that Albena is "a good girl"? If not, then this interview is for you! Enjoy!


The great skating talents of Belgium

It's a small country, but living and training there are young Ruben
Blommaert, Kevin van der Perren and his coach Vera Vandecaveye. Meet them here

Interview with the British Icedancers James and Phillip and their Towler-Green girls

There are several icedance teams in Great Britain, so also the Towler-Green twins and their perspective partners. To add to the confusion Candice TG skates with Phillipson (last name) and Phillipa TG with Phillip (first name). Helga spoke to all of them at once! Go!

2005 Hungarian Nationals

The second report out of our nationals series. You want to know what happened in Budapest? Helga shares her experiences with us. Click here!

Interview with Filip Stiller

The 3 time Swedish champion, Filip Stiller, competing this week at the Universiade in Innsbruck answered Helga Dobors questions. Read here!

Skates Contest

Win a brand new pair of Edea skates in your size, complemented by skater autographs. Go!

Miki Ando – A Star on Ice

She's Japan's rising star and queen of quads with high aims for the future.
She's also a smiling bundle of charm on and off the ice.
Read more!

Fanfocus: Katarina Witt – "Enjoy the Stars 2004“

December 2004, Katarina Witt hosts another one of her shows, this time in the town of Krefeld, Germany. Some announced skaters failed to show up, some others joined in unexpectedly. Enjoy Vicky's story about this show. Click here!

Interview with Slovakian ice dancers Ivana Dlhopolceková and Hynek Bílek

This couple debuted this year in competitions and surprised the audience with their enchanting free program. AS reporter Helga sat down with them to get some pruning questions answered. Who are these two talented 'heart on ice' skaters? Click here!

A report about Trophée Eric Bompard 2004

Zsuzsanna and AS reporter Helga spent a few wonderful days at Trophy Eric Bompard. Join the girls on their figure skating filled weekend in Paris and read about their impressions of the skaters and the performances and programs. Click here!


The creating of a skating show -
meet Lea Ann Miller

AS has already reviewed the Antwerp SOI shows and taken a behind the scenes look.
Magdalena had a talk with the woman behind the idea and the brilliant choreography. Read her story here


Absolute Skatings first Nationals report

The British Championships 2004 were held in Nottingham last weekend. Melanie was our reporter at the scene and she did her very best to provide us with her view of the competition. She also took some photos. Read all about this here.


The Proximus Stars on Ice shows:
An inside look

The time the AS crew spent in Antwerp was devoted to more than watching the actual shows. Don’t miss the story, the photos and the video clips. Click here!

The Bofrost Cup on Ice Exhibition Gala 2004

The Bofrost Cup on Ice, held in Gelsenkirchen Germany the last weekend of November, was of course concluded by an exhibition of champions. This show, depicted by fun and joy was a delight to attend. Read our gala-review here.

Photo album from the Proximus Stars on Ice shows in Antwerp

To view photos from the show click here.

Review of the Proximus Stars on Ice shows in Antwerp

The stars came out to shine in the much talked about SOI shows in Antwerp on Nov 20 and 21, and were successful beyond expectations. This show review is brought to you by the attending Absolute Skating crew. Click here!

Catching up with Tristan Cousins

Great Britain has many exciting names in skating this season. One of them is Tristan Cousins, the bronze medalist at the Ondrej Nepela Memorial in Bratislava where AS reporter Helga Dobor caught up with him. Click here!

Viktoria Pavuk Interview

She was the new sensation at Europeans in Budapest and the talk of the town. But Hungarian Viktoria Pavuk is level headed about her success and wants to keep improving. AS reporter Helga Dobor sat down with her in Bratislava to find out more. Click here!

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